Wednesday, March 2, 2011

♥╬Chªngë; Ït Stªrts wïth Më╬♥

Every of us can be a leader or model in our society. As a student I can be a model in school by showing to my classmate or schoolmate a good attitude and show to them that I am a good leader. Of what I am now I know I could improve for the better.It's my ownself that could start the change and no other else. I dream of having a better life and status in the future so it's me that would make the preparation and not other people to do it. So, CHANGE FOR THE BETTER FUTURE ......♥♥♥

♥"Mÿ Drëªm, Mÿ Fûtûrë"♥

I know that everyone have a dream or ambition in life. We must think a thousand times about choosing our career or our course. We don't need to follow all what are parents want for us. Whatever the profession that we will choose it would be a great part of our lives because this might be our reason to study hard. We must study hard and be patient to achieve our dream.